Listening to Opposition.

Strengthening Community and Respect.

Picture credits: Claire Harbage/NPR

and Shawn Regan

There are well intentioned Buffalo rewilding projects that are facing opposition today. Often, we become staunch and set in our ways. That the way we see the World is our truth and other ways of thinking or doing things is an affront to our beliefs. The Simple Truth is that we are forced to live alongside each other, human and animal alike. Therefore, it would be wise of us to not fight a war of righteousness, but a campaign of public relations. Using guiding principles of community, health, respect, and a little flexibility, we can come together to find mutually beneficial solutions to real-world issues such as Buffalo rewilding, economic strengthening, and environmental stability. Because, at the end of the day…

we are in this together.

The World is Interconnected.

You act on the World and the World will also act on You.

Let us find a solution that works for ALL.

“Man does not weave this web of life. He is merely a strand of it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.”

- Chief Seattle

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Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Reach out.

Photo courtesy of US National Park Service